❤️ The stats don’t lie ~ women are an endangered species.
The Patriarchy is still alive and well, suppressing and oppressing wonen because they are considered less than. Do we need to be reminded of the Taliban who decided to board up windows so women could not be seen. Why not board up men? It’s the woman’s fault, of course, for tempting him.
The “slut” is who exactly?!!!!!
How ignorant is the one who thought shouting it out was appropriate. Women hating on women ~ another byproduct, thanks to patriarchal and misogynic viewpoints.
When I read your title, I thought this was a political piece on the Boys In Office. Loved that you shared about growing up in a household dominated by males. You were The Queen born between Boys 🌸💖🌸💖
In my home, the boys were kings. That belief no longer exists ~ I tossed that BS out as soon as I had mine.
Well done, my friend.