❤️ “May you see what’s needed and do what’s right.”
This!!! Felt such a surge of light.
I’ve been sitting with your post for awhile now. There are so many layers in this.
Your Mom knew ( I felt it) and came home. Thanks for confirming this.
You washed her face ( water is life/ baptismal / sacrosanct / cleansing).
You prepared her (anointing of the sick/last rites) without knowing she was transitioning… or, did you feel it?
There is a belief that there are 2 times in life when sacred knowledge is passed. At birth and at death. Those present receive spiritual gifts.
And I always felt and wrote to you, there seemed to be this connection. You anointed her and she in turn, anointed you, passed knowledge and will continue to assist you with your gifts.
I was with my Dad and felt that the channel was blessed as soon as he crossed over.
You will know if this resonates. And with enhanced gifts, will “see” what is needed and know what is right.