With Intention + Love
Amy, where you place your intention, of free volition, and what you believe in is what flows with the universe; with your heart.
Dreams are part of who we are, our intuition or higher self speaking to us and any other energies we believe have access to us.
As a mother with a daughter who was diagnosed in the terminal stages of an incurable illness, at age 5, I cry with you. There is her and there is the book.
Your soul is speaking to you — you honour yourself by listening. Do this for your being, not because you are being ordered. To have someone else command us takes away our power; free will.
I came across this description for the word, GOD: Good Orderly Direction. It flows in good orderly direction when all is in alignment with who we are. We let go and trust in our inner voice to guide us.
Follow your heart because it aligns with you and what you truly want to give birth to in this world and share with others. Mr Peanut, your message, your words, your story will ripple across the universe and beyond when you believe.