💜💜💜 The echoes are ping ponging all over this magical space:)
Yes, I thought I would repeat that phrase:)
So so sorry to read you were experiencing a panic attack :( You heart and being was overwhelmed at receiving the news.
I empathize having the words, “in the terminal stages of ….” For my child.
It is what I refer to the sadness of Good Friday, a day of Saturday mourning and Rebirth on Easter Sunday.
I felt the presence around me and it spoke to me on the Sunday morning.
“Get up, go outside and see for yourself”.
I rose out of bed and walked into my garden. There I saw two rose bushes in full bloom.
Roses are a sign of Divine.
And after crying, my tears and panic absorbed by the ground, I returned inside.
I decided I would trust the voice.
And told my daughter we would have nothing to fear in tomorrow.
My husband thought I had lost my mind. I did. I trusted the voice instead.
We went back to the hospital for the results many tests and the key word was “miracle”… as I was told, trust the flowers in bloom. Whatever was coming, it was for a reason. And my role was to guide my child.
💜 That presence has been beside for a long time. It is comforting to know you have found and recognize this presence in your life.