Thank you, LaKay, for sharing the link to your post. Seeing “womxn” in the title immediately had my attention. One of my posts intentionally uses that spelling.
I appreciated reading many valid points you, and Emma quoted, have raised. My tail-end Millennial Gen daughter is much like your Gen Z daughter – they may be the ones who actually move equality forward.
I believe that every Feminist action taken in the past was needed to change the collective. All it takes is a significant tipping point to again propel action/change forward, even if it becomes a new movement, under a different name, by uniting us all closer to what matters.
Creating a world that is EVERYTHING written on the T-shirt graphic. Love that message.
Sharing your post with my daughter, a Fine Arts major within a university environment that fully supports gender-neutrality. Love the discussions had in my home and very supportive of how they can change the world view to the betterment of the humxn experience.