Thank you, Marilyn, for sharing this because it educates and evolves us.
You wrote that 2023 is the No.7 year of spiritual awakening. This feels like one ~ what do we do when we are given information that challenges us and our artist’s expression?
You did not intentionally set out to hurt another. What you/we do moving forwards is a reflection of who we choose to be.
Regarding skinny, this is now called body-shaming. It hurts. Society is evolving and learning it’s not okay to shame another for their weight.
I Googled the term “gypsy” and found several articles. Yes, it is a racial slur against the Roma peoples.
I also believe the artist is not separate from their art ~ it is an extension of us, our soul’s expression.
Because you asked what I would do, it would be a name change. Art evolves.
Sending a big hug