Thank God!!!!! This is the best news I’ve heard :)
I heard my name called in the wind at my father’s grave. It originated from the Sun.
Spiritual awakening.
Read your other poem ( synchronicity of 2)
Your name is called for a reason, Claire.
Here, where your soul purpose is being manifest. And in all things we have a choice. To do the work or choose to say, I’ll pass.
But what is not completed here will be in the next go around. That’s how this works.
No spinning backwards. It’s done.
Only going forward and the sooner we accept, the stronger our light of understanding.
A full moon is around the bend.
I saw two lines drawn in the sky yesterday and now see the synchronous sign playing out as your words speak to those lines.
The sun shone brightly and sides with the light. The dark line began to fade.