“I Would Claim Her”
Tree, loved how you asked for a sign! When the china angel appeared on the sidewalk, I thought “Oh, how wonderful for Tree!” When you left her there for someone else, I wanted you to go back! I have done this myself.
Signs are everywhere, if we are open to receiving.
“I will claim her… “— which is claiming yourself.
What caught my attention were her colours. My Reiki Master guidance thought this was part of her message to you;
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow) — personal power
4. Heart Chakra (Pink /Green) — healing, self-love
5. Throat Chakra (Blue) — communication and self expression
We are all beings of love and light for others and ourselves, given free will to shine that light or not. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. Very excited for you. xx