💓🧡❤️✨✨ I’m on Team Rebecca. You, Silver Girl, the sceptic hubby and Son experience works for me.
This is when I knew: “Don’t take a step further.” Been there, done that. Obey the divining rod:)
Read your bro’s text. Scientists can do their thing and I appreciate that they do. As the text clipping concludes, their findings for Gravity Hill were proven not to be an illusion.
I’ve been to Magnetic Hill:) The experience is wild!
💟 Trust your divining rod. Attuned. What others do not hear/sense/feel does not mean we do not. We are given tools for a purpose. Glad you trusted yours to back away from the site. Heed the warning. Respect boundaries.
🧚⚡️✨Was waiting for this story!! It did not disappoint.