❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ The red angel comes to life in 2022!!! You have a gift, sixth sense, Tonya. Thank you for sharing this vision with us, I have goosebumps. Oh, so much I could say about the soil, the tree, the symbolism.
By writing this story, you honour your gifts. It is a first step among many towards spiritual growth. So, so very excited for you. I feel it in my bones, you could write a book—all you see, feel, predict, your connection.
That you choose to participate in your vision further reinforces your soul's desire to communicate—with us, with loved ones past. They have messages for you and I imagine your Uncle is overjoyed at that fact that you are coming into your power. That tree is loaded with gifts for you. The white soil is the source of God, all loving and nurturing. Step into your power, this is going to be an amazing journey for you ❤️
Thank you for the kind mention, so honoured to be a part of this moment. XoXo